Mimi & Daddy Russ began the grandparent tour of duty, coming in to save the day. They were wonderful at keeping Margot from losing her mind while we doted on the baby. Mimi of course took all opportunities to snuggle with Owen, until her arms got tired from the weight.
DRuss made lots of fruit bowls for breakfast and kept us on schedule for our Happy Hours. Andy worked (hmmm....)
Margot was still freaking out a bit from the whole "Mom & Dad dropped me off at a friends house and didn't come back for three days" debacle. She took clinginess to a new level. Luckily, our little barnacle is coming back into her own, telling me to get lost and generally being silly. She told Owen she loves him unprompted so that's progress.
Mimi & DRuss explored our little village, partaking in some local pub fare and pastries. We had a traditional Sunday Roast at our favourite pub, The Holly Bush. Apparently, you're supposed to eat Sunday Roast in the early afternoon (after church?) and we didn't show up until 6pm and they were out of the cheesy mash to Mimi's great disappointment. Oh well, now we know.
We were sad to see Mimi & DRuss leave. Luckily, reinforcements were on the way.
Fran and Bill arrived a few weeks later, and I was in need of some serious naps. Andy took the week off, ostensibly to make waffles and bacon every morning. He was great; we ate like royalty.
Margot loved playing with Grandma and having Papa read books to her. She dressed as a fairy princess nearly every day and demonstrated her dance skills. Grandma did lots of cuddling with Owen and generally spoiled the kiddos as grandmas are wont to do.
Fran and Bill also toured London by bus and boat and foot. They took the guided tours of the Globe Theatre (it's supposed to be great) and Tower of London. Luckily, Papa let Grandma take a taxi there and back.
Unfortunately, they had to go home too. We're tired again.
Check out our photos.
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