We went to the annual Hampstead Christmas Tree lighting ceremony again this year. In Britain, you aren't held to the politically correct notion of representing every religion or non-religion. So, just a meagre-looking Christmas tree and a bunch of school kids singing Christmas carols.
Margot recalled that they passed out chocolate coins last year so we had to rush and get there. Sadly, no coins.
Each year they have a local celebrity host the countdown to lighting the tree. Last year, it was Emma Thompson. This year, it was some British comedian that I recall seeing on "Celebrity Who Wants to be a Millionaire" but whose name eludes me. He was quite talented at impersonations. His favorite target was President George Bush. Here we go.
He did the countdown as George Bush and at "one" as they lit the tree, he yelled "Happy Easter," in his best feeble-minded George Bush voice. From there, he and his co-host went on a five-minute comedic rant on the stupidity of Americans. The first few jokes on Bush were fairly amusing. Then the fairly large number of Americans in the audience started to cringe as the jokes started to turn on us.
Anyway, Margot didn't care. There was a lit Christmas tree and a dance floor. A bluegrass band came on (yes, an American-style bluegrass band) and we all danced like fools. Then, we went home and ate some chocolate.
And, the season begins.
See some photos here.
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