Margot had a 3.5-week break between Spring and Summer term. Of course, I only realized several weeks earlier that we're on a trimester system and not semesters. Oops.
Anyway, we decided to find some sunshine for a few days. The criteria for our holiday: sunshine, four hours or less via non-stop flight. Friends were jetting off to Dubai, Mauritius, Malaysia and the USA (I know, it's a pretentious life). We found Cyprus.
We packed our sunscreen, swim costumes (I can't call them that) and summer clothes and we were off. We booked a cheap flight using EasyJet. We had some problems at check-in because they couldn't figure out if Owen was a baby or not. This point was moot as we had purchased him a seat (and brought his car seat) but they haggled about this for far too long. Someone even passed out in the queue behind us.
By the time we made it to the gate, it was a mess. EasyJet has first-come, first-served seating. We were the last ones on the plane and there were only single seats left scattered around the cabin. While it's tempting to leave Margot and Owen to sit with others, I think that would be frowned upon. We had to wander up and down the aisles while the captain announced, "we cannot depart until someone moves so this family with children can sit together." No one would make eye contact with us. After more threats from the captain, some people moved so three of us could sit together. Andy and I took turns entertaining the kids. What a disaster.
We finally arrived in Cyprus and the resort was quite nice. We resigned ourselves that we weren't going to see much of Cyprus itself. Instead, we hung around the pool most days. Margot and Owen lived in the pool. Margot is becoming a confident swimmer and can withstand frigid water temperatures for unnaturally long periods. Owen, no surprise, is crazy. He dives underwater, coming up choking and laughing, and does it again. We practically had to wrestle him to keep him from hurting himself or drowning. This does not bode well for the beach this summer.
Surrounding the pool were large outdoor beds. We'd claim one each day and lie there during those rare moments when the kids wanted to get out of the water. Andy & I would order a cocktail here or there. By the end of week, Margot could hail the waiter and charge chocolate milkshakes to our room. This does not bode well for our future. (For you Kerbys reading this, it reminds of the ol' CCBC days.)
We could have been in Florida for all we saw of Cyprus. But, a little sunshine and R&R can't be beat.
Here's some shots of water fun.
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